Multipurpose Auditorium
Multipurpose Auditorium: Built for a seating capacity of 500, this structure has a columnless reinforced concrete roofing to accommodate three roof top tennis courts.

Seminar Hall
It is equipped with a computer, a projector and a rolling white screen and natural as well as artificial lighting. This is used for principal-parents meeting, guest lectures by various experts, seminars, prestigious inter school events, knowledge sharing sessions etc.

Audiovisual Room
It is equipped with a PC, Projector, wired /wireless mike and stereo system. It is a perfect venue for guest lectures as well as house competitions like debates, quizzes, declamations, extempore speaking and elocution, thus aiding in enhancing knowledge, confidence and motivating the students to become excellent orators.

Video Conferencing Room
An air conditioned state-of -the art room which is also used for board meetings is used by the students to hold video conferences with students of other schools.

Radio Hilltop
School radio is yet another attention seeking element at hilltop. It enables students to express their views in a safe, unimposing environment which will promote their confidence and self esteem. Improved speaking and listening skills, learn to write creative scripts and copy, team spirit are also the factors developed here.

Channel d School
Hilltop underlines the influence of media industry and moulds its students to be fit for today's transforming world. The school channel refine its students to communicate and comprehend informations and generates understanding of the effects of mass media that they need to understand from their own media habits.